Automation Builder

Trigger Automation when a Follow Up Boss Deal is Updated

Steps to Set Up Automation:

Introduction to triggering automation when a deal field is updated in Follow Up Boss, specifically focusing on the “all contingencies removed” field.

  • Select the trigger
  • Choose the field
  • Test the trigger with sample data.
  • Apply an action plan


  • Update a deal in Follow Up Boss.
  • Verify the action plan runs automatically, notifying the client..

Automating Deal Notifications Transcript

Hey, FUB Stars!! Got another awesome automation video for you here. This one, we’re going to go ahead and trigger automation when a deal field is updated in Follow Up Boss. We have a field for all contingencies removed, and if that gets updated to yes, we’re going to trigger an action plan, to notify the client that the contingency has been removed.

We’re going to go ahead and get started. We’re going to. Select our trigger. here are all our different triggers. So we want to go down to deal triggers and deal updated. now we select the field we want to update from. So we’re going to go down and find all contingencies removed. There we go.

All contingencies removed. Done. Now we’re going to test. All right. So now we have our test data. so we want to come down here and filter for, so all contingencies removed. We want to, well, yes.

All right. And now for the action. We are going to trigger Apply an action plan and we’re going to apply the all contingencies removed action plan test.

I’m going to save and turn it on. So now we’re going to go over to Follow Up Boss and we have a deal here. So we go to the deal, show custom fields, all contingencies removed. Yes. And now the all contingency or moved action plan automatically runs and email gets sent to client letting them know contingencies have been removed. So possibilities with this are limitless. Any field can be used to trigger automation either on the deal or also on the person. Over time, we’re going to be adding all the Follow Up Bosses, web hooks in as triggers for automation.

So very excited about this. If you want to take a closer look, go ahead and schedule a demo with us and we can go from there. Thanks everyone!!

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