Drag and Drop Form Builder

Customizable web forms can be embedded within FUB or used for lead capture on your website or at open houses

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Customize Forms at Will!

Our drag and drop builder allows you to add and remove fields with ease, and use fields in multiple forms to avoid duplicate data entry.

View all form entries and update them at will from your InterFace account.

Forms with Super Powers

A few capabilities include:

  • Forms can be configured to trigger automation within Follow Up Boss and beyond using our Automation Builder. Update deal stages, add tags, push data to custom fields, and much more. Click here to know more about our Automation Builder. (Coming Soon)
  • Fields can be required and made to appear or disappear using conditional logic.
  • Pre-Populate data to minimize agent workload (Coming Soon)

Maximizing Productivity: Seamless Integration with FUB

Our forms are embedded within each Follow Up Boss contact record. This allows agents easy access and eliminates the need to find the form outside of FUB. 

Create and Update Deals              (Coming Soon)

Link forms to deals and deal stages, automatically creating or updating deals upon form submission. Customize this process further by mapping form fields to corresponding fields within deals, ensuring seamless bidirectional data exchange.

Streamline your workflow by effortlessly integrating form submissions into your deal management system in FUB!

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