How do we get from 25 home sales in a year to 50? From 50 to 100? From 100 to 500? How do we do it without breaking the bank?

The economy and the job market are HOT!!! The cost of labor in the US is high and getting higher. Each home sold involves work from lead generation to commission disbursement. More home sales involves more sales agents, and more work managing them. Handling that work by hiring local makes for a slow expensive dredge.

What if we could make some of that work disappear? Wouldn’t that drastically speed up the growth process? We don’t need to be a magician to make our business scalable. We can let machines do the work for us. As technology improves, so does our ability to automate the boring stuff. One of the best options is a company called Zapier. Zapier has set up integrations with hundreds of platforms. It helps simplify the automation process. It’s free to set up your first few automated processes, or Zaps as they call them.

What if the work can’t be automated? That’s when we take advantage of arbitrage. We happen to live in the richest country in the world, which is AWESOME, except when it comes time to pay for stuff. Once again, technology to the rescue. It’s become easier to communicate and collaborate with people in other countries. A path has opened up for anyone to hire from less expensive markets. One of my favorite options is Upwork. On Upwork, you can hire freelancers from around the globe to do almost anything. You recruit, hire, manage, and pay all from one place. The cost of low-level administrative work is in the $3-$5 per hour range. Yes, you read that correctly.

$3-$5 per hour still doesn’t beat automation. This is a concept I originally learned from Tim Ferriss, of The Four Hour Work Week fame. Always remember to automate first, then outsource the rest.

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